Generosity changes your heart and the hearts of those
you will impact.
Choose what area you would like to support.
This is often referred to as the general fund. You are funding the people and the tools they need to make Infuse Church a place unchurched people love to attend.
Infuse events
You will be funding opportunities to serve and connect with our local community through events. See our future events.
online campus
You will be funding an Infuse Online Campus so more people can explore faith and find community, regardless of time or location. If you attend regularly online, this is how you can support it.

You can support and make an impact by sponsoring a kid from Bethel Orphanage in Haiti through Go Serv. This is a great opportunity to help someone to smile.
STOCKS & SEcurities
You can make an impact by donating any stock or most financial securities to Infuse Church. Email if you are interested.
If you're seventy and a half or older you can transfer IRA funds directly to Infuse Church tax-free. This is a great way to maximize the impact of your resources!
We’ve all needed help with our finances at one time or another. There’s no shame in that. So if you’re feeling stuck in your finances, or just not sure where to go for help understanding it all, we’ve gathered together some tools and resources to help you.
message series on money
How can we learn to live a rich life.
If your money could talk, what would it say?
Financial peace university
Makes money simple so you can have hope and confidence, learn to budget, save, and pay off debt faster with a step-by-step plan that works.

Frequently asked Questions
What is giving about?
We believe giving to Infuse is not something done out of guilt or obligation, but an investment in eternity and the many lives we change and impact. Giving is a form of worship by which we honor God and give back to his church and the mission we perform. Also, we believe it is the church's responsibility to manage the resources with the utmost integrity and faithfulness to Him. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask!
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes! Infuse is a non-profit organization registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3). Your contributions are tax-deductible under IRS regulations. When you file your taxes at the end of the year, we'll provide you with and year to date giving letter, all you have to do is provide your accountant that letter or enter it when you file online.
What about online giving fees?
There are fees taken out of your donation between you and Infuse Church. The best method to give online is ACH with only 1% of your donation going to fees. Debit cards at 2% and credit cards are 3%.
What do you believe about tithing?
We believe God created the tithe for a good reason and it is still a great starting point. However, as Christians the Old Testament laws aren't our guide, Jesus is (read a very in-depth explanation here). Jesus and the early church taught that God should be first in all things, including our giving, so a good question to ask is what is an amount that puts God first in your finances? Then create a plan around it. Example: 8% of your income on the 1st of the month.
I have more questions!
We are here to help, just email or
give us a call at 319-359-2222.